
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Coconut Cut Out Shortbread Cookies

It has been snowing here non-stop for the last 4 hours and at times has been white out conditions. A perfect day to lock yourself in the house (well, kitchen) and do some holiday baking. Not to mention the absolutely freezing temperatures...the warm oven and hot cocoa are keeping me warm today and that makes me very, very thankful for a cozy kitchen. My heart aches for those without a safe warm home on a day like today. That sure is something to be grateful for this holiday season. And a reminder to give to those who are in need!

These cookies are actually grain-free if you are into that sorta thing. It is also nut-free but does have coconut, so I guess technically not completely tree-nut free. But it is an option for me who doesn't eat most nuts and especially almonds for the last few years. I miss almonds, but also know that I have felt much better since giving up nuts in my life. That can be understood in more than one way ;)

I love doing cut-out cookies, but the reality is... I am not really great at it. I guess I'm not a very patient person (or maybe dainty, detailed person). So that's my issue :) But thankfully when you have a little 3 year old that is interested in playing in the kitchen this cookie recipe is tons of fun. So you can kinda throw out all cookie making perfection out the door. Such a fun way to bake if you ask me :) 
Coconut Cut Out Shortbread Cookie Recipe
{gluten, dairy, grain, nut and sugar free}

1 1/2 cup of coconut flour
1 cup of tapioca flour
1/2 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut
1 ts. of sea salt
3/4 cup of softened organic coconut oil
2 farm fresh eggs
2 ts. of pure vanilla
1/3 cup of unsweetened apple sauce
1/2 cup of pure maple syrup

Mix all of the dry ingredients together, then add the coconut oil and mix well, almost turns into a sandy mixture or like you are making a pie crust. Then add the rest of the wet ingredients and mix well. Then use some extra tapioca flour to dust and form a ball of dough. 
Get out a parchment, rolling pin and your favorite shapes to get ready to make some cookies. I like to cut the dough ball in 4 pieces so that you can roll out the dough in chunks. 
You might need to use some extra tapioca flour for dusting and rolling. And you should try and roll the dough about 1/3 to 1/2 inch thick for easiest cutting and moving. The dough may seem a little dry and that it may fall apart, but after you bake it it stick very well together so no worries.
 Place the cookies on a parchment papered cookie sheet and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Until the cookies have a golden edge. You can put the cookies close together on the baking sheet because they do not rise much.
 Let the cookies cool completely before you decide to frost or drizzle with chocolate.
 I decided to try out a chocolate drizzle on these cookies and it turned out delicious (and messy with a 3 year old). But the flavors are great together. Simple and good. 
I just melted 1/4 cup of dairy-free chocolate chips with 2 ts. of coconut oil and then mixed well and used a small teaspoon to drizzle it over the cookies. Let cool completely before you transfer. 
The cut outs turned out great, but you could also make this cookie dough into square shortbread cookies. Or roll out the dough into small balls and then press down slightly and then bake. You could also drizzle those cookies with chocolate for a finishing touch. 
These cookies are a perfect combination of soft middle, crunchy sides and crispy texture. Super easy and simple ingredients always make the best cookies!

Happy baking and ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! I was looking for a nut-free, unrefined sugar free cut out cookie, and I choose yours!!
    They look wonderful! I was looking for a cookie that travels well to send to my GlutenFree Grandma! She will be thrilled, as well my GF toddler :) Thank you for sharing!
