
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Banana Cream Panna Cotta

After eating no sweet treats for the last week, I was getting desperate for a little something and my kids were begging for banana pudding. So then this little treat was created. I wasn't sure what to call it but here it is... A thick creamy custard-type gelatin treat, BUT no sugar and sweetened only with fruit. So my friends, this is ONE special dessert ;)
I just love a thick, have to use your spoon, kinda dessert. It's one you might want to lick the jar clean but won't, so you pretend your spoon is your tongue and you try and get every last bit. The cute jars help with savoring each lovely bite too, and you can't help but wish there was another secret compartment on the bottom somewhere. 
But what makes this dessert sweet and worth every bite, is the date puree and the fresh vanilla bean- both with such rich deep flavor- oh and the banana. Which I have found is one of those foods and flavors that people either LOVE or HATE- there is no middle ground on it. I happen to love banana, but some can only imagine baby food. So maybe this recipe is not for you, but if you are a banana pudding or everything LOVER- then this is a must try! Hope you ENJOY!
Banana Cream Panna Cotta Recipe
{gluten, dairy, egg, nut, seed, soy and sugar-free}

2 ripe bananas smashed and pureed
1/2 cup of date paste puree 
1 can of full-fat coconut milk
1/2 vanilla bean scraped for the beans (or use 1 TB of vanilla extract)
1/2 lime squeezed or 1 TB of juice
a pinch of finely grated fresh ginger
pinch of sea salt
pinch of ground turmeric

Put all of the above ingredients in a small saucepan to get warm on low heat. Warm till it is steaming but not boiling or bubbling. Then, in a separate small bowl, mix up the following to let the gelatin bloom...

1/2 cup of coconut milk beverage
1 1/2 TB of pure gelatin 

When the gelatin stiffens, scrap into the saucepan with the rest of the ingredients and turn off heat completely. Then whisk in the gelatin so it is one mixture and pour into a blender and blend until frothy and mixed well and then slowly pour into 1/2 pint glass jars, or even in the smaller size meant for small jams (the 1/2 cup size... called 1/4 pint maybe?). Then put on lids and slide into the fridge for 3-4 hours and then you are ready to eat and ENJOY!

If you are not a banana fan you can add in 1 cup of pumpkin puree in it's place or just leave it as vanilla coconut. I will save those recipes for another post ;)

I hope you give this ONLY fruit sweetened dessert a try! It totally hits the spot when you haven't been enjoying many deserts ;) It is a new favorite around my house and I know Ill be making many more varieties as the month goes on...

Much love and light! xoxo

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