
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Zucchini Bread (Take 2)

Call it nesting, call it being prepared, but the other day I spent the afternoon making 6 batches of homemade zucchini bread and muffins to freeze. I know it sounds a bit crazy, but really it was the perfect thing to be doing while waiting for my baby to come. Baking is one of my favorite things to do. Well, maybe I should say, making a mess in the kitchen is one of my favorite things to do :) But really, I thought what better way to take advantage of some extra time I have now and stock up some zucchini bread in the freezer.
I made a zucchini bread recipe last year about this time with the use of buckwheat flour, which is one of my favorite gluten-free flours with lots of helpful minerals, vitamins and whole grain benefits. This year I was thinking of creating something a little lighter in color and in oils. So, I went with sorghum flour as the main ingredient and added some applesauce to sweeten, moisten and make things stick together. I love both recipes, but this one really was exactly what I was looking for in a fresh bread this time of year. Not to mention that you can buy zucchini right now, like 3 for a dollar. Not just small, wimpy, zucchini, but the huge, as-big-as-your arm zucchini. I have not been able to grow any of my own yet, but I can buy 3 large ones for a dollars at the farmer's market and that kind of quantity could really make like 12 loaves of zucchini bread if you wanted. There is never any shame in buying from my local farmer. This time of year I am always overwhelmed with wanting to buy loads of tomatoes, zucchini, and cukes for a fair price. I try to make use of the beautiful bounty with preserving and baking of course... so on to my new favorite indulgence...zucchini bread.

Zucchini Bread/Muffin Recipe
1 1/2 cup of sorghum flour
1 cup of brown rice flour
1 cup of tapioca flour
1 1/2 cup of sucanat
1 TB. of baking powder
1 ts. of baking soda
1/2 ts. of sea salt
1 ts. of ground cinnamon
1 ts. of ground nutmeg

2 ts. of fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup of coconut oil, or light olive oil
2 farm fresh eggs
3 heaping cups of grated zucchini

optional additions: 1/3 cup of cacao powder, or 1/2 cup of allergen-free chocolate chips

Mix all the dry ingredients together first in a large mixing bowl, then add the wet ingredients and mix well. Lastly add the heaping 3 cups of grated zucchini. The way I grate zucchini is on a cheese grater over a plate and it usually takes about 1 large zucchini to get about 3 heaping cups. Use the juices and all the grated parts. Mix all together and it is ready for putting in pans.

Some baking options:
This recipe will make either 24 muffin cups, or 2 loaf pans. You could also use 2 8x8 pans for this recipe, or even 1 9x13 pan. It makes a beautiful cake, bread, and muffin, so use for what you desire most. The muffins should be baked at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes, the bread loaves should be baked at around 35-40 minutes, and a cake in a 9x13 should be around 30-40 minutes. Just check on it and pull from the oven when it is a golden brown color and after tested with a pick comes out clean with nothing gooey. The best baking temp is at 350 degrees. After pulled from the oven, make sure you cool for at least 10-15 minutes before cutting into. And, let it be fully cooled before bagging up to freeze for best results.
Other option:
If you only want to make one loaf, then half this recipe and make just one loaf or 12 muffins.
Here is a little snack to get me through the rest of the afternoon. Which is my other reason and love for gotta make sure what you are making is worthy of eating and sharing of course. The texture and moisture is perfect, and it doesn't hurt to be getting your serving of vegetables in a treat as well. Yum...

Here is a little peek into my growing bounty of bread/cake/muffins that I am going to wrap up and freeze. So in a few months when I am looking for an easy baked good option or breakfast, then I will pull out one of my favorite treats from the's just that simple. I hope you try these out and enjoy... and once you find how easy it is you may be making extra loaves to freeze as well.

Much love to you today!




  1. Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were baking a lot! And I thought I was bad. :) This sounds and looks lovely. I bet it's delicious!

  2. Alta- it is bad... in a good way ;) and really delicious too. I really love zucchini, and now I feel like I have stock piled for the winter months like a chipmunk or something. haha. Much love xoxo.

  3. Is there a way to replace xanthan gum?

  4. Is there a way to replace xanthan gum?

  5. Is there a way to replace xanthan gum?
