
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Multi-Seed Crackers (grain-free, nut-free and vegan)

Lately, I have been researching and investigating more about the grain-free diet and it's ability to help those with IBS, Crone's, and Candida (yeast overgrowth in the gut). Because digestive issues are not always the same for every person it is hard to say that a grain-free diet would be right for every person with these issues. That is the same for the gluten-free diet, yet I do think from my own experience and also working with others that going gluten-free for a time whether you are sensitive or not will bring changes in a good way to your life. Sometimes going gluten-free for the average person will just help their body detox from all of the toxic build-up from our conventional foods. That is why I always encourage those who are having health issues or trying to heal from sickness or other ailments that maybe trying GF for even just a time would help them heal quicker or they will be surprised by the results. Of course, this is much easier said than done for the average person. Going gluten-free may seem like traveling to another country and trying to survive without a translator or directions. But, it really doesn't have to be THAT scary...
Some of my first tips for those trying to start the gluten-free diet:
1. Consider yourself an explorer or a scientist. You are going on an adventure and you want to discover how your body will react to gluten. This means you have to change your mindset and think positive about the changes. Get excited about trying buckwheat cereal and quinoa stir-frys. It will be a trip, and an exploration...

2. Cleanse your pantry of all the gluten-filled foods. Out of sight, out of mind. Then, fill your pantry with new foods that are gluten-free and you want to try. Stick to the basics, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. The plant based diet is your guide. If it didn't grown from the ground, should you even eat it?

3. Get support! Either connect yourself to other GF bloggers, friends, or groups. This will help you stay accountable, stay encouraged and get support with new recipes and food ideas. You do not have to do this alone. There are literally millions of us that like to eat gluten-free. You are not alone.

I share these tips/ideas/thoughts with you because I feel like I am telling myself this as I try to see what it would be like to go on a strict GRAIN-free diet. This 'diet' seems to step it up a notch because you cannot eat rice (a huge GF staple food). Some things I learned in this process of researching grain-free living more. Quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth are all SEEDS. Amazing. So, I guess I knew this before, but I really didn't think about it in comparison to the GF grains. This means that to go grain -free, gluten-free, you just have to give up grains like rice, millet, tapioca, sorghum and corn. Which could be difficult, but like as going gluten-free, if you notice digestion changes in a good way, then it may be worth a try to go grain-free for a time.

So, I decided to try this grain-free diet out for a few weeks and see if I like it, notice any changes, or at least identify with the diet so that I can help others who are trying to do the same thing. So you may notice a few grain-free recipes on this blog over the next week or so. And this may be helpful to those on the SCD-Specific Carb Diet, ACD-Anti-Candida Diet, and even the Paleo diet. Just trying to be adventurous myself and have a little fun with it...
And now, I have been showing you my tempting pictures of grain-free crackers for a while, and you have been patiently awaiting a recipe... I know :) I will share. These crackers are made from all the very nutritious seeds that can be made into meals/flours when ground in a food processor or blender. So I made these simple and nutritious grain-free crackers to try out, and they turned out very yummy and could be comparable to the famous Mary's Gone Crackers (my husband's favorite!)

Multi-Seed Crackers Recipe (grain-free, gluten-free and vegan)
1 cup of ground raw sunflower seeds, in a food processor or blender
1/2 cup of ground amaranth seeds, or amaranth flour
1/2 cup of ground quinoa seeds, or quinoa flour
1/3 cup of ground flax seed (flax meal) or chia seed could work here too
1/4 cup of pure water
3 TB of olive oil
3 TB of non-dairy, non-grain milk (So Delicious Coconut Beverage) or (Tempt Hemp Milk)
2 TB of gluten-free tamari sauce (optional ingredient if want to be soy-free)
1 ts. of ground mustard
1 ts. of either dried thyme, oregano or marjoram (or a mix or combo of the herbs)
1 ts. of dried garlic powder
1/2 ts. of sea salt, or more to your taste
1/2 ts. of ground black pepper, or more to your taste
a drizzle (about 1 ts. or so) of agave nectar, maple syrup or stevia ( just to sweeten a touch to take off the earthy edge of the seeds)

Grind the seeds, or use seed flours and mix all together in large mixing bowl. Then add the seasonings and the wet ingredients. Mix together with a spatula to evenly mix all the way through. The dough should be stiff and pliable. Then take the dough and roll in on a parchment papered large baking sheet. Have the parchment paper under the dough, and place a large pieces of paper or plastic wrap on the top and then use a rolling pi to roll out a paper-thin dough on your sheet. You can either use a biscuit cutter and make circle crackers, or use a pizza cutter and cut squares. You MUST cut the crackers before baking for them to be crackers and easier to cut.

I rolled out my dough to be 16x20 ish, and cut about 36 crackers or so. Sprinkle some raw seeds on the crackers before baking if you want....maybe sunflower, sesame, or flax. Then put in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes, until the crackers are golden brown. Then pull from the oven and let cool at least 5-10 minutes before moving. Then when crackers are cooled you can stack them and store them in an airtight container. The longer you let the cool on the stove or counter, the crispier cracker you will have.

This recipe should make 3 dozen crackers, but could be more or less depending on your size.

Things you can eat with your yummy multi-seed crackers:

Or I think a nut or seed butter or even some homemade fruit preserves could be yummy as well! The sky is the limit for these crackers. Make them feel loved! I have a cracker pictured below covered in my yummy homemade hummus.

These crackers are very simple, vegan, and grain-nut-gluten-free. So, as you can see, it isn't that hard to have a snack that you could enjoy and be on a 'strict' diet. If you are new to this world of grain and gluten free, I suggest you take a deep breath, and then go out and buy some quinoa, amaranth or buckwheat to try. Yes, they may only be found at a special health store, or you may get looked at funny at the store you shop at while looking for it, but like I said before...You are on an adventure. So, don't get discouraged. Take a big step of faith forward and try something new!

Aren't these crackers pretty too?! I think so. So cute and wrapped up and ready to eat. You don't even have to cut through a box and plastic bag to get to them. Hm, how convenient! :)

I hope you have a fantastic day! Much love to you!


  1. We were looking for something delicious to eat with hummus. These look perfect!

  2. Interesting!
    I'm curious, I was tested by a naturopath and I had no signs of gluten intolerance, but I still have tummy problems. Should I still give it a go? I feel like being dairy free and gluten free would be such a challenge :(

  3. These look delicious Stephanie! I have been trying to come up with a good grain free cracker recipe and this really helps. Thanks!

  4. haha i love the idea of thinking of yourself as an explorer!
    This recipe looks so good! As a was reading it I kept glancing into the kitchen to check the jars of quinoa, amaranth, sunflower seeds etc where full. They are! So I think I'll be off now to go preheat the oven...

  5. Jennifer- GF/DF is a challenge when you first start out, but I have been doing it for 3 years and it only gets easier. Hard in social settings, but that is why I bring my own dish or dessert to share and have found some good restaurants that have options for me as well. Let me know if you want to talk more...

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments. It took me a day to publish them because I was having login issues with Blogger yesterday... so glad it is working again this morning!!! :)

  6. These look so yummy, Stephanie! I appreciate this post so much being gluten/dairy/egg free myself AND being in the middle of a loooong candida cleanse myself! However, I'm pretty sure millet is also a seed, is it not?! I did a lot of research on my own and with my naturopathic doctor's help before I began my cleanse, and I thought the "faux grains" that were actually seeds included: quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, and millet! Just thought I'd bring it up... :) Anyway, thanks for this recipe! I'm going to try making a raw version in my dehydrator! xo

  7. Desi- I bet these crackers would be amazing raw. Let me know....

    Also, I guess the millet question is debatable because I agree with you, I think it would be a seed, but from other's comments on previous posts and looking it up on google I found out that milet is a seed-like GRAIN. I know- that's weird to me. I personally think of it as a seed, but I guess if you were going to be "strict" about it, most consider it a grain....just what I have read once again. :)

  8. Here is a question I always ask myself when making things...Is it 1/2 Cup Ground before or after you grind it up? = ) Do you know what I mean?

  9. Joelle- YES! you are so right on how that sounds. I measured it already ground. So It was probably a tad less on whole form before I grounded. Next time I make them I will make sure to measure and then fix the post to make it more clear. Thanks for the comment!!! :)

  10. Thanks for this multi seed cracker's recipe. You are really a genius.
    Gluten Free
