
Friday, December 29, 2017

Raw Chocolate Coconut Truffles

Welllllll,  I didn't mean to post ANOTHER chocolate treat recipe...but, it just happened like that. This one was made around the Christmas holiday to add to the cookie plates. But now that we are looking forward to new year celebrations it seemed even more appropriate :) I mean it is a chocolate ball of goodness that you will need to drop in your mouth :) That is my husband rubbing off on me- he loves to play on words and puns :)
But seriously- this is one of those recipes that I have been making for years and just realized I never shared with you. I felt terrible and excited all at once because now I will share it and you can have this gem of a goodies tucked away for all the special occasions, or at the least for yourself when you are looking in the pantry and there is nothing to make but you have these random pantry items just waiting there to be created! This is a must try....
Raw Chocolate Coconut Truffle Recipe
{gluten, dairy, soy, egg, nut and seed-free}

1/3 cup of raw cacao powder
1/3 cup of finely ground coconut sugar
1/3 cup of unrefined coconut oil
1/2 cup of dairy-free chocolate chips
1 can of full-fat coconut milk (just use the cream, reuse/discard the water juices)
drizzle of maple syrup (1-2 TB) for flavor and sweetness
hearty pinch of sea salt

add in a drizzle of vanilla or organic orange flavoring...

additions for the rolling process:
1/2 cup of ground powdered coconut sugar with cacao powder blended to make a cocoa powder mixture for rolling. This is equal parts of cacao and sugar


1/2-1 cup of shredded coconut flakes/pieces to roll into

In a medium saucepan, put all of the above ingredients on low heat until they all melt and dissolve and turn into a ganache looking pudding. Then put a lid on it and put into the freezer or fridge until it is solid. This is about 4-6 hours. Then, use a TB-sized spoon to scoop out a ball and roll on parchment or in your hands until you get a solid ball and then roll in raw cocoa powder (or hot cocoa mix ) or raw shredded coconut. You should get about 2 dozen truffles. After rolling out the ball place on a parchment and place in a covered container to chill until you serve. They will be fine to pull out for a party but then keep in the fridge to stay stiff. But who am I kidding? These are easily gone after one party :)

As we reflect, gather and look forward to another year--- I hope you are able to reflect on the gifts and losses of this past year and let go of what needs to go so that you can embrace this coming year with arms wide open and free! Happy New Year's friends- I hope you ENJOY and much love as always xoxo

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